
Foul Deck detection

Foul deck detection!
Something I think this service might be the first to detect it and take it into account when grading.

I wanted to put out a quick newsletter that explains what this means (future and past approaches), but also what assumptions and concessions have been made.

What does it mean for grades?

Past traps

Nothing. Sadly I cannot retrospectively detect whether or not a deck was clear from the data I have.
So all past Wave-Offs will remain just that. Wave-Offs.
However, don't be too concerned. I hope to really soon after writing this start the Carrier Qualification features, which will be tied to a "career mode".
You will be able to see all your data as a user, but the career mode might be nice so you can start a "tour" for example
Or have different careers for different aircraft.
More about this will definitely follow!

Future traps

Future traps will be graded FD (Fouled Deck) when an aircraft has been detected on the landing area.
This will mean that those traps don't count against your "boarding rate".
A wave-off will count as a negative boarding rate number, but a "Fouled Deck" will have you excused and you get a free try.

When is a foul deck detected?

A track will be marked as a fouled deck if the approach was canceled no sooner than a quarter mile.
This means that if you decide to wave off when you're still half a mile out Tactical Paddles will not grant you a fouled deck mark.

Another note I want to make is that I've used the outer large white lines on the carrier deck as reference with a little extra buffer.
Seeing that on a busy server and deck sometimes noses can just get across the red/white line it might come up with too many false positives when that was used.
This should not cause any issues.

NOTE: All Foul deck detection is done assuming folded wings. This should be the case for all aircraft taxiing on the deck.

What aircraft can foul a deck?

So I made a few concessions. Not all objects could be tracked at all times. Helicopters were sadly the first thing to go.
If there's helos messing about no FD detection will be granted.
I don't think that's gonig to happen often, but it's good to know.

Not all aircraft have been added to be tracked either.
Currently it's tracking the following aircraft on top of the flyable aircraft that are tracked:

  • E-2D
  • S-3B
  • S-3B Tanker

These really are the only aircraft in DCS that had any reason to be on the carrier.
If you have any that you do want to add, please don't hesitate to ask!


As always! Don't hesitate sharing the feedback as you come up with it!
The dm's to the bot are always open!